I hope that anyone who is currently going through challenging times perceives this message as a source of hope, something that can inspire you, much like I needed it during my own battle. My intention is to provide you with reassurance that you can not only overcome your struggles but also avoid being defined by them. Ultimately, you have the potential to become the best version of yourself.
— Angel-Ariel Casas

On June 10th, 2020, I found out I had very advanced testicular cancer. It had spread to my lungs, liver, and lymph nodes. The doctors said there was a 20-50% chance I'd survive.


To treat it, I had to go through 4 rounds of chemotherapy and have multiple surgeries on my liver, lungs, and lymph nodes in my neck.


I was able to beat my cancer on March 25th, 2021.

After 9 months of recovery, I decided to return to bodybuilding and share my journey on social media.


I competed in two of the most competitive shows in south Florida and manage to set records with multiple first place finishes, best poser award, and the spirit of fitness award.