“I have learned that you don’t have to suppress anything, or that it’s perfectly okay to talk about it together and that it’s painful. But I think, when you look to the future, it’s easier even for oneself.”
In 2017, I noticed an unusual mole on my collarbone which was later removed and found out to be malignant.
To mitigate the risk, I underwent immunotherapy from December 2017 to March 2018, successfully resolving the issue.
However, in the fall of 2018, I had a unusual feeling as I felt nausea, headaches, fever, and migraine which was very alarming. I immediately got an MRI scan, and unfortunately, the cancer cells metastasize to my brain.
It devastated our family, yet we are hopeful, so I went for an operation. We are all anxious, and it really affected our mental health.
This crisis really impacted my daughter’s mental health, to the point where she decided to contact 147.ch, a free 24/7 confidential counseling support by phone, (SMS) and online chat.
We learned that we can discuss our problems to other people and that there are people who are willing to help. As a family, we can overcome every challenges together.